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What is Demand Response?

Demand Response is a simple, low-effort way for businesses to receive payment for helping to stabilise the electricity grid at times of peak demand. It reduces the need for fossil-fuel generation when electricity demand is high or output from renewables is low, which helps reduce emissions. Demand Response helps protect us from power outages when demand for electricity exceeds what’s available, or when generation exceeds demand. Commercial and industrial-scale energy users enrolled in Demand Response programmes get paid for being more flexible with their energy use. For example, by being available to temporarily reduce the power they’re using or switching to backup power supply to reduce stress on the grid.

Demand Response Calculator

Learn how your business can earn revenue from the electricity it does not use.

Enel X follows a proven, 5-step process that helps businesses earn revenues, reduce costs, improve resiliency and cut emissions.

  1. Enel X advises businesses on how to optimise their energy use to get  ready for Demand Response.

  2. The flexible energy capacity (kWs) available is then enrolled into the best Demand Response programmes.

  3. If a grid event occurs, participants are notified in advance to activate their Demand Response plan.

  4. The flexible capacity helps relieve grid pressure and the asset is soon returned to normal operation.

  5. Participants are paid for being on call and/or how much energy they reduce in a Demand Response event.
Enel X battery storage site controller

Demand Response your way

How you participate is completely up to you. You could reduce energy demand by turning off non-essential equipment, or switching to backup generators, onsite electricity generation assets or use battery energy storage systems to continue powering essential operations. Many types of equipment commonly found at larger businesses and manufacturing facilities can be used to participate in demand response. Participation is independent of your power supply. If you’re happy with how you buy electricity today, you don’t need to change a thing. However you choose to participate, you always remain in control of your energy assets. Many types of equipment generate new demand side response revenues for commercial and industrial customers. Get in touch to see how your business can benefit from our demand response programmes.