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Remote control technologies simplify town lighting

Take control of the public lighting network and remotely adjust the parameters of the smart street lighting system. We catalyze the transformation of the public street lighting service with remote control solutions that contribute to the reliability of the lighting system and to the satisfaction of the inhabitants.

How it works?

Remote management of streetlights is now easier for you and you can make decisions easier. The "control room" has multiple advantages for the representatives of the local public administration that manage the smart public lighting:

  • It is simple, intuitive

  • It has functionalities that unlock the possibility of remote control for the local lighting systems of the locality

  • It generates reports and is a tool that supports the best decisions

Each point in the network of street lighting poles generates data that can be consulted and analyzed: operating status, connection, various measurements. You can vary the light intensity; you can adjust certain parameters of the smart city lighting system. 


Enel X develops cutting-edge solutions to integrate smart lighting projects with other value-added services: this is how the “Digital City” is built.

Remote control and digital monitoring systems can lead to significant savings and increased efficiency. They are integrated with sensor-based technologies, which make possible services such as video surveillance systems, Wi-Fi, traffic and parking control and monitoring, temperature control and digital display panels.


How it works
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