1.1. The Data Controller, PPC Advanced Energy Services România S.R.L., with headquarters in Bucharest, Bd. Mircea Voda no.30, room 4.11, floor 4, phone +40 372 115 694, fiscal registration code RO40645170, unique registration number J40/1952/ 15.02.2019hereafter referred to as “PPC” or the “Controller” will process the personal data you provided through the www.enelx.com/ro/ website (hereafter the “Website”) in compliance with applicable current privacy and personal data protection legislation, and this privacy policy.
PPC Advanced Energy Services Romania S.R.L. is actively engaged in a continuous activity of updating the content of this website. Should any of the texts, information, data published and links to other sites prove to be inaccurate, incomplete or out of date, readers are informed that this content exists for information purposes only and has no official value.
PPC Advanced Energy Services Romania S.R.L. is not liable for errors or omissions of any kind or for any direct, indirect or incidental damages that may arise from accessing or using the information published on the site or from accessing or using any material found on other sites.
1.2. When you subscribe to the various services or to gain access to the aforementioned, you will be given the names of any further Data Controllers or Data Processors.