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Enel X's Circular Economy case studies have been selected for the "G7 Platform for Net-Zero and Well-Being in Life"

We are pleased to announce that Enel X has been featured on the “G7 Platform for Net-Zero and Well-Being in Life”, led by the Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan. The platform was launched on November 13, 2023, under the auspices of the G7.

The purpose of the "G7 Platform for Net-Zero and Well-Being in Life"

In April 2023, the G7 Environment Ministers’ Meeting was held in Sapporo, Japan. (The members of the G7 are Japan, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, and the United States) During this meeting, it was emphasized that "It is important to strengthen demand-side measures through changes in consumer's behavior and lifestyle." And they agreed "to launch a new 'G7 Platform for Net-Zero and Well-Being in Life' with the aim of sharing knowledge on strengthening demand-side measures through changes in consumer behavior and lifestyle by featuring excellent examples of policies from G7 countries and products, initiatives, services, etc. from private companies and organizations." 1)

What is net-zero?

Net-Zero refers to the initiative of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, such as carbon dioxide, to zero.


Greenhouse gases are said to be the cause of global warming. In Japan, to achieve ambitious greenhouse gas reduction targets for the fiscal year 2030, it has been promoting the rationalization of all energy use, including non-fossil energy, the transition to non-fossil energy, as well as the optimization of electricity demand. 2)

What is well-being?

Well-being is a term derived from the words “well” (good) and “being” (state). In 1946, the term “well-being” was used in the preamble of the WHO Constitution to define health, and the term “well-being” spread worldwide. It states, “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." 3)

The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in Japan defines “well-being” as a concept that means “a state where individual rights and self-realization are guaranteed, and one is in a good physical, mental, and social state.” 4)

Enel X’s vision for net-zero and well-being

Enel X aims to support net-zero and well-being through various initiatives and solutions, and is expanding its innovation projects, which started in Italy where its headquarters are located, to its business entities in 18 countries around the world.


From the perspective of net-zero, Enel X is promoting a Circular Economy and aiming for clean and sustainable manufacturing not only within the company but also with all stakeholders we interact. Examples are circular fashion involving the Italian fashion industry and giving a second life to used EV batteries at Rome Airport.


circular economy

Enel X focuses on Circular Economy globally

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In terms of well-being, Enel X is supporting the creation of circular city models with the development of sophisticated software for public administrations using Open Data. Among them, the Mobility Map was created in partnership with HERE Technologies and made publicly available to the citizens in Spain, Italy, and Brazil during the COVID-19 pandemic and the recovery phase from the pandemic.
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We are committed to building a culture of health, safety, and environmental protection for the benefit of all stakeholders who interact with us.

Hiromitsu Miyamoto

Country Manager, Enel X Japan

Speak with an expert today to learn how Enel X can help you achieve your energy goals.


1) Ministry of the Environment, Japan
G7 Climate, Energy and Environment Ministers’ Communiqué


2) Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan: News Releases
Cabinet Decision on the Basic Policy on the Rationalizing Use of Energy and Shifting to Non-fossil Energy


3) WHO
Constitution of WHO


4) Mininstry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan
雇用政策研究会報告書 (2019/7)