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Growing with the Team: A Journey of Self-Evolution at Enel

Wishing to contribute spreading Demand Response to the world

Joined 2017 Headquarters Commercial Operations specialist

Joined Enel X from the start-up period. Even now, six years later, she feels the growth of the entire team and herself every day.


Since joining Enel X, she has been married and given birth to a 2-year-old boy, while keeping busy as a sales support.


What was your major at university and what did you do before joining Enel X?

During my college years, I developed a strong interest in foreign countries through experiences of overseas travel and short-term study abroad. I aspired to work in a role that involved international relations, but my English proficiency was not up to par. Consequently, I initially took up employment at a Japanese financial company. Subsequently, I embarked on a working holiday to Canada, where I served as a tour guide for the Northern Lights in Yellowknife.

What are your current responsibilities?

My responsibilities encompass sales support, contract creation, document management, and the input of customer information into CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tools. I also manage accounts for sales-related tools, prepare documents for tenders, and engage in daily communication with customers.

What is your favorite part of your job at Enel X?

The company is relatively new, and I appreciate the corporate culture with no hard-and-fast rules. I think this company's culture aligns well with my work style as it encourages independent thinking and efficient task execution.

Can you tell what has changed or grown since you joined Enel X?

While the job did involve overseas relations as I had desired, my English proficiency was non-existent when I first joined the company. This made communication with international colleagues quite challenging. Frustrated by this, I began learning English online.


As I started exchanging emails in English with the Italian headquarters and my supervisor, and attending dinners and events with foreign business travelers, my TOEIC score more than doubled from what it was during my college years. I now correspond with my colleagues in English via email and chat without any hesitation.

What is your favorite part of your job at Enel X?

When I joined the company, it was a newly formed Japanese branch with a handful of employees. Demand Response was in its verification phase in Japan, and I believe we were navigating through the specifics on a daily basis. Reflecting on 2017, when Demand Response was first implemented in Japan, I think our collective growth was truly extraordinary. I derive joy from coming to work each day, as I can sense the progress of the company I’ve been a part of since its inception.

Please explain your working style.

The workload varies significantly over the course of the year, but I’m able to manage my tasks. Generally, I don’t work overtime and there are instances when I work remotely. I occasionally take a day off when my child falls ill unexpectedly, and I regard it as a very conducive work environment.


As the company has expanded, some of my colleagues have become rather occupied due to alterations in job responsibilities and an escalation in workload. However, I believe our managers are approachable for guidance and receptive to our suggestions regarding staff allocation.

What do you enjoy outside of work?

Having been born and brought up in Tokyo, I’ve never really experienced life in the countryside. Consequently, I frequently embark on trips to nature-rich locations with my family. I’m also fond of physical activities like yoga and dancing. Once my child begins school, I plan to establish a club at the company to enjoy shared activities with my colleagues.

Any message for future Enel X members?

I believe that we are facilitating teamwork not just by individually devising and executing efficient strategies, but also by openly sharing our ideas and circumstances with our supervisors and colleagues. I look forward to welcoming individuals who are eager to experience personal and team growth to our company.