What is Demand Response?
Demand Response allows commercial, industrial or institutional organisations to offer their capacity to support the electricity grid in exchange for regular payments. It helps to balance the intermittency of variable wind and solar power by providing instant, dispatchable capacity to the grid when called on. Businesses respond by powering down or switching to a backup power source to give their capacity back to the grid. They do this via our Virtual Power Plant (VPP) which has unmatched access to a range of market programs.

Global experience
Enel X is a global Demand Response leader, present in 18 countries with 9.3 GW of flexible capacity managed.
Earn significant revenue
Earn a recurring new revenue stream that can offset electricity bills, or be reinvested in further sustainability initiatives.

Smart platform
Advanced algorithms allow you to maximise revenue earned towards your bottom line, while maintaining the highest security standards.

Continuous assistance
Our Network Operations Center (NOC) is available 24-7-365, where all energy dispatches are actioned, managed and monitored in real time.