PJM Demand Response

Get paid to reduce energy in PJM with Enel

Demand response provides a no-risk, no-cost opportunity for commercial, institutional, and industrial businesses throughout PJM to earn money and drive energy savings while helping to maintain reliable electricity across the Mid-Atlantic. Capacity pricing for the 2025/2026 delivery year soared to record highs, creating the most favorable environment for demand response participation in PJM in decades. There’s no better time to stake your claim on revenue opportunities never before been seen in the market.

Enel has almost two decades of experience providing demand response services in PJM, the largest grid operator in North America. Navigate this landmark opportunity with a trusted demand response leader as your strategic partner – Enel offers long-term value, guidance, and transparency to help you stake a claim on all opportunities available to you.

PJM service territory map

PJM demand response program options

Emergency Load Response Program (ELRP)

PJM’s primary demand response program, the Emergency Load Response Program (ELRP), is a capacity program administered through an auction process called the Base Residual Auction (BRA). In this auction, PJM plans for future grid reliability needs, projecting the capacity that they need to meet future demand – and what mix of resources, including demand response, will provide that capacity.Bar graph showing PJM capacity price with YoY comparisons

It is in this auction that ELRP capacity is procured, and pricing is set. Due to a variety of factors, pricing set forth for the 2025/2026 delivery year skyrocketed to record levels. Two zones, Baltimore Gas & Electric (BGE) and Dominion (DOM), cleared just short of their reserve requirement and are transmission-constrained zones, causing prices to jump to the zonal cap and soaring even higher than pricing throughout the rest of PJM (RTO).

With the 2025/2026 BRA clearing at the highest prices we’ve ever seen in the market, now is the time to capitalize on landmark demand response revenue. PJM has sent a clear price signal that demand response is essential for grid reliability to help manage grid-wide capacity constraints – and is massively incentivizing participation in ELRP.

Program period June 1 – May 31
Payments Capacity (for being on stand-by) and energy (for event performance)
Advanced notification 30 minutes – 2 hours
Event duration Typically 2 – 4 hours (however, there is no exact limit)

Synchronized Reserve Market (SRM)

PJM’s Synchronized Reserve Market is an ancillary services program that supports the PJM electric grid during unexpected system disruptions that only last for a short period of time, such as unplanned generator outages or spikes in energy demand. These sudden disruptions to the grid require participating customers to reduce their demand from the grid within minutes of being notified – either by shifting load to an on-site generator, or by curtailing energy use. In return, participants can earn significant payments for helping to stabilize the grid during these critical periods.

Program period 24x7x365, you choose when your site participates
Dispatch duration 
Up to 30 minutes (most events are less than 10 minutes)
Dispatch frequency
10 – 20 events per year; no maximum
Advanced notification
Curtailment should begin immediately upon notification to be fully down by the 10-minute mark
Performance requirement Full performance within 10 minutes and sustained performance until dispatch end

PJM demand response program FAQs

Emergency Load Response Program (ELRP)

Synchronized Reserves Market (SRM)

PJM demand response resources

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